
*** Now talking in #gaysons&dads
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[cubdmm] !son
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[^luis^] NOTE: If you are a son looking for a dad, type !son in the message window and get a +next to your nick
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^luis^ sets mode: +v BoyMA
[dadstoy] www.geotowns.com/dadstoy
[ramu] Mich dad looking for young, smooth, slender son (<25) in SW Mich or son willing to relocate. Please msg me
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[horney22] !son
[BigJock] any sons from Guatemala?
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Pvt Msg

[TruckerOne] a/s/l
[BoyMA] 15/m/Mass u?
[TruckerOne] 38/m I live in DC but am on the road most of the time. Got a pic?
[BoyMA] yeah
[TruckerOne] send it
DCC file transfer me.jpg
[TruckerOne] thanks
[BoyMA] np U have a pic?
[TruckerOne] no. Im 6’ 200#, black hair, brown eyes, 7 1/2” cut
DCC file transfer complete
[TruckerOne] nice you hook up with many guys?
[BoyMA] now and then u?
[TruckerOne] yeah you into older guys?
[BoyMA] yeah
[TruckerOne] you got any nude pics of you?
[BoyMA] no
[TruckerOne] what sex you like doing?
[BoyMA] Everything except kink u?
[TruckerOne] I go to all the states and all the canadian provinces. Like to ride with me and see the country?
[BoyMA] What would you expect of me?
[TruckerOne] I would expect you to help out. Get me a coke if I tell you.
[BoyMA] its your truck you’re the boss.
[TruckerOne] I’ve been known to spank a naughty boy.
[BoyMA] Im a good boy.
[TruckerOne] Yeah you look it. Ht wt?
[BoyMA] 5 3, 120# Do you stop at motels or do you have one of those big cabs with bunks?
[TruckerOne] The cab has two bunks. The lower one is wider. There are two built in bureaus.
[BoyMA] How do you take showers?
[TruckerOne] The big truck stops have showers. There $5 or free with a fill-up.
[BoyMA] So what happens after you park for the night?
[TruckerOne] We go to the toilets together.
[BoyMA] Why together?
[TruckerOne] So nothing happens to you. Some of these guys are pretty rough.
[BoyMA] Are you rough?
[TruckerOne] I am if I have to be.
[BoyMA] Then what?
[TruckerOne] We go back to the cab. You stand in front of me and I undress you.
[BoyMA] mmmmm
[TruckerOne] I rub your body.
[BoyMA] All over?
[TruckerOne] yeah then you get the lube out of the drawer.
[BoyMA] yeah?
[TruckerOne] And you put some in your crack while I get undressed
[BoyMA] yeah
[TruckerOne] I sit on the edge of my bunk, spread my legs and you back up against my dick
[BoyMA] yeah
[TruckerOne] You push yourself onto it until it’s inside you all the way.
[BoyMA] yeah
[TruckerOne] Then I bounce you up and down.
[BoyMA] ok
[TruckerOne] Sometimes we do it other ways.
[BoyMA] Do I get to cum?
[TruckerOne] You should cum as often as I do.
[BoyMA] How?
[TruckerOne] Sometimes you cum while I’m screwing you. Sometimes you jerk yourself, sometimes I do it.

There were more chats on other days. Hank found out the name of the teenager’s hometown. He knew where that was, he said. The interstate highway that ran along the Connecticut River valley passed two towns to the west. He could come for a visit, just to get acquainted. They could meet at some public place where Jason would feel safe, Hank said. The kid put the fellow off.

The man inquired about the youth’s parents, did they know that he was gay. Yes, they knew, the youngster said. His mom was OK about it, but his dad was not. His father had been a high school athlete and considered himself to be very manly. He didn’t like it that his son was neither, at least, not to the degree he considered desirable. But Jason thought that things were getting better.

Then one night father and son got into an argument. It started over something trivial, but it seemed that both wanted a battle. The fight escalated and got heated. Jason’s father let his anger get out of control, “… you filthy little faggot,” he shouted. The boy went to his room.

His mother came up a half hour later. Your Dad’s sorry, she said, he didn’t mean it. Sure, Jason replied. “He’s really sorry,” she repeated. Yeah, the kid thought, that’s why he’s here telling me that.

When the youngster next chatted with Hank, he told the man that he was ready to ride with him if he still wanted him to. A few days after that, the trucker had rearranged his hauls so that he could pass by in another four days time.

Jason went to school as usual, but when he left at the end of the day he didn’t take any books with him. Instead of getting onto a school bus for the trip home, he walked a few hundred yards to a public bus stop. He took the one that went through the center of Shutesbury, then crossed the bridge over the river, traversed another above the interstate and made a stop before turning north on route 10.

The teenager strolled across the road, hopped a low fence and walked through a grassy field that descended to the truck stop that was visible from there. He entered the restaurant and walked past several booths wondering in which one he would find Hank. He had a description, but no picture.

“Hey, Jason,” a man said as he was about to pass. The guy wasn’t good looking, but he didn’t look mean either and his smile made up for it. “Go get us each a cup of coffee, and have a piece of pie if you want it.” The fellow pushed a ten dollar bill in his direction.

“I don’t usually drink coffee,” the youth explained.

“You do today,” Hank informed him. “We’re going to be traveling all night to make up for lost time and I need you to help me stay awake.” It wasn’t lost time that prompted this intention, however. The man wanted to put distance between them and the lad’s hometown, and quickly. Partly, this was because a search for the boy, if any were made, would first be in the immediate area. Another reason was that, the further away they were, the less likely the lad would be inclined to change his mind. Second thoughts would succumb to the obvious difficulties of returning home on his own.

The third and final consideration was sexual. Jason hadn’t had much experience. If the kid were tired enough, he would be more relaxed. Craving rest, the lad would want to cooperate in order to get to sleep all the sooner.

When he returned with the tray the youngster loaded his coffee with half and half and sugar. Hank smiled at this and because the kid was as good looking in person as he was in his picture with his light brown hair and rich brown eyes. They talked of trivialities, avoiding the heavy topics that surrounded them.

“Ready?” the man asked when the last chunk of blueberry pie was gone from the boy’s plate.

“Yeah,” the kid said.

Hank led the way to his rig. “Let me show you the sleeping quarters,” he suggested as they approached it.

For a while Jason thought that the man couldn’t wait to have him. The idea upset the boy because he was afraid that he would be screwed and dumped, all in the course of a half hour. He would hate it if he were humiliated like that and had to go back home. Even if no one knew about it, it would be awful.

But that didn’t happen. Hank just wanted him to ride in the back until they had gone a hundred miles or so. The youngster stretched out on the man’s bunk and dreamt of the days ahead, of travel and of sex.

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